Breakfast Replacement - Max Weight Loss Shake

This Weight Loss Shake tastes just like a Milkshake!
- 15 Servings Per Container
- 18g of Protein Per Serving
- 0g added Sugar
- Feel Full Longer
- Boost Metabolism
- Maximize Results
- Low Calories
- Includes Vitamin D3, Calcium, Iron & Potassium!Â
How it works
Just mix Breakfast Replacement with cold water or add it to your favorite smoothie.

Ready in less than a minute!
Customer Reviews
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Real Food & Nutrients Inside
We use real food ingredients to bring you the most wholesome and nutritious meal replacement shake on the market. This is the most pure protein supplement you will ever find.

Pea Protein
* High-quality and easily digested protein. It is also great for the skin, and the heart.

* Reduces inflammation and helps lower blood pressure. (only in chocolate flavor)

Flax Seeds
* High in dietary fiber. May lower blood pressure and cholesterol.

Vitamin D3
* Helps the body absorb calcium.

* Strengthens bones and reduces risk of fractures.

* Helps eliminate fatigue and boosts the immune system.

* Reduces cramps and protects against strokes.

Say Goodbye To Cravings With This Powerful Breakfast In A Glass.
Unlock your weight loss potential by replacing your breakfast with one nutritious scoop made from plants!*
The Perfect Way to Start Your Day!
Safe - Simple - Effective

High Protein
The most pure plant protein supplement you will ever find.*

A scoop a day to take the pounds away.*

Eliminate Bloating
Feel lighter and have more energy.*

Start your day right!
The perfect blend to give your body what it needs early in the morning.
Frequently Asked Questions
I have tested them for the small amount that matters for most people to detect gluten, and it is not high enough. However, if someone has Celiacs Disease, they would be affected since even a super small fraction has side effects.